The term ‘branding’ has always been associated with companies, but every individual is a brand. However, many are unaware of this and as a result, they allow themselves to be branded (defined) by people and the society at large.11201825_10153728058939515_9155391432907329757_n
Your brand is who you are and what you stand for. Until you know who you are, a positive esteem is not in-view.
When you interact with people, they build an image (positive or negative) of who you are overtime. Those images are mere opinions of others, not the real YOU. That is why you must not allow yourself to be defined (branded) by them. Hence, the need for positive self-branding.
Until you brand yourself positively, you will likely live on the negative branding (perception) of others. Even the positive branding of others about you, is not enough to define your person because nobody knows you like YOU. Therefore, define your brand and live it daily!

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2 Responses to YOU ARE A BRAND!

  1. seun coker says:

    Nice caption and well prepared food for thoughts. I particularly like this statement:
    “When you interact with people, they build an image (positive or negative) of who you are overtime. Those images are mere opinions of others, not the real YOU.”
    May your pen always be on paper and fresh inspirations in your mind!

    Liked by 1 person

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